Hi guys it's me Santi,
A quick note on what I want the credits to be before I start researching, I want my credits to be super simple, yet in an elegant way, so I found some movies that did that!
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Okay so this opening sequence is actually not very spacial, but that's what makes it so perfect for the film opening. The movie starts with Jim Carrey driving in his car, and the whole thing has this washed-out winter look that just feels very real and boring, which is what we're trying to go for at the beginning of our film opening.
The credits appear in this really simple white text that just kind of fades into existence and then dissolves away. Nothing fancy or wild, just clean, plain text that appears and then sort of evaporates like it's dissolving from memory (like the movie!)
The whole sequence is maybe like 2-3 minutes, but it tells you pretty much everything you need to know about the film's mental state. He's just existing, driving his car, while these white words float in and out of frame like the thoughts he's trying not to think about. No fancy effects, no crazy typography, just this dude and the text, which is the vibe we're trying to go for in the film opening, for our boring character in the boring grocery store not caring.
Guardians of the Galaxy
I know, weird change of pace, just went from Eternal Sunshine to a Marvel movie, but just hear me out.
The whole thing is set to Radiohead's "Creep" but it's this acoustic version that feels more slow. Instead of the usual upbeat retro music we expect from GOTG, we get this slow, melancholic cover that perfectly matches what we're seeing, a more emotionally driven film (watch the movie it is probably the best marvel movie out of all of them).
Again, these work great for the vibe we're trying to go for, and I really like how "big" the title is, taking up two thirds of the frame, which is what i wanna do when we get to the big scene that reveals the planet in the sky.
Ok, I think I get the gist of what I wanna do, so, let's get scripting!
Until next time, Santi :)
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