Sunday, February 16, 2025

it IS that deep! (Media Theories)

Hi guys it's me Santi,

Studying media means a lot of super cool learning opportunities, such as learning media theories! Using these theories, I can learn more about how films are made and how they connect to the audience.

I’ve attended my classes to learn about various theories which made me very excited to implement them in my project work, so the opening is gonna be where I put what I learned into practice!

A theory that me and my team really want to include in our opening is Todorov's Theory, specifically the disequilibrium part. This is that point in a story when the main character's life just explodes and everything changes. In our opening this is done by literally having a planet on it's way to disrupt our story! The planet won't be revealed until halfway through the opening, serving as that point where the entire story changes.

Then there’s the semantic code, it’s when objects in a film mean way more than what they look like on the surface. We plan to apply this concept to our film by assigning symbolic meanings to the items our character selects at the grocery store. Every item they choose will have this deeper, hidden meaning. Obviously this won't be shown in the opening itself, but it'll be part of the bigger film overall, something important to keep in mind when making our opening.

Let's see how this goes!
Until next time, Santi :)

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The Santi Show (CCR)

 Hi guys it's me Santi, I want to talk about another part of the project that I need to complete which is the CCR (Creative Critical Ref...