Wednesday, February 12, 2025

We have a script!! (and a name!!!)

 Hi guys its me Santi,

I have finished writing the script! I absolutely love writing scripts, and this one was more special than other scripts I usually write, because this one had almost no dialogue, so instead, I had to describe every scene's "feeling" in a way, it gives a sense of what I want the actual shot to give aesthetically.
I'm probably just talking but anyways, here's the script!

Now it's time to make an actual shot list, as well as thinking a bit more about the actual cinematography of the opening. See you guys then!
Until next time, Santi :)

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The Santi Show (CCR)

 Hi guys it's me Santi, I want to talk about another part of the project that I need to complete which is the CCR (Creative Critical Ref...