Hi guys, it’s me Santi,
Ok so this is question 3 and it's also my second CCR, where it'll be the same talk show but another season, so things will be different! (don't ask how yet). So, how did my production skills developed throughout the project? Before starting AICE Media, I had some experience from film and TV production classes, but this course taught me a lot more about the WHY, like why am i shooting wide instead of close or close instead of medium, that sort of thing. I'm usually a fast editor (not to brag but I edited a full-length short film in under 48 hours as part of a competition in NYC), but because of that I don't put a lot of thoughts on why I make cuts in certain places or other editing techniques. It was hard but I think through the course and this project I've been able to slow down a bit and actually think about why I make the decisions I make in the edit.
Another major area of growth for me was leadership (It's not a technical skill BUT it's very important in productions since usually they're with a team). I’ll admit, I’m someone who likes to control a lot of things, but with my team I had to trust my group to take on their roles while still guiding the overall vision of the project, learning to balance leadership and teamwork made the experience much smoother and honestly more rewarding, and I think for future projects I'll be better able to work with other people, since I'm so used to working on things by myself or having creative control over a project. And again, not a technical skill, but i think it's still very important to note.
Until next time, Santi :)
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